Post by aj on Jan 26, 2010 17:38:23 GMT 10
The recent demise of The Tote as a rock venue, due to financial pressures arising from revised licensing requirements, has received a lot of publicity.
Can anyone advise if any jazz gigs/venues in melbourne have similarly been affected?
Post by jeremy on Jan 27, 2010 8:48:51 GMT 10
We're getting harassed by liquor licensing more than usual, but otherwise nothing has changed. If anything, most venues would have seen an initial reduction in their license fees. Vic's LL fee structure can be found here: www.justice.vic.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/DOJ+Internet/resources/file/eb61fe41bacdb49/Fees_Sheet_Jan_2010.pdfWhat The Tote is complaining about is the 'Operating Hours Risk Fee'. Which in the scheme of things is pretty hilariously cheap compared to most other states. From their own admission LLV have been asked to go out and find as many things 'wrong' as possible for both the media angle: "look how much bad stuff we found!!!" and the revenue raising side (more problems, higher multiplier from 2011+, more $$ or them)
Post by orangejimmy on Jan 29, 2010 16:08:57 GMT 10
thanks for the link jeremy, its good to see some actual figures amongst all the hyperbole. Just wondering if you (or anyone else) could enlighten me about the whole issue to do with security - ie. the guy from the tote saying he has to now put on two security guards just for a relatively empty sunday arvo session. Whenever I come to bennetts (or uptown/paris cat/303/etc) I never see security, so is there some reason you guys are exempt?
Post by jeremy on Jan 30, 2010 15:14:15 GMT 10
basic licenses don't include the need for security (guards, cctv etc.), they are a condition added to the license by Liquor Licensing Vic based on how many complaints/issues they may have had with the venue or their own assessment of how likely those things would be needed.
Post by shaggaz on Jan 30, 2010 21:51:55 GMT 10
I have to share this story because I find it so amusing. We're about to do a Circus Oz (family-friendly) season in Adelaide in our tent, which seats 1400 people and averages 900 per show. Because the tent is set up in the Adelaide CBD, we can only serve alcohol if there is one security guard for every 100 patrons. Hahahaha! Needless to say, there will not be any alcohol in the tent. Can you imagine 14 security guards in the tent?!